On February 18, 2022, the first General Assembly of “De l’Eau pour Sumba” took place in Eschbach-au-Val marking the first anniversary of this Association created on January 25, 2021.

Around the president Thierry Buhl were gathered representatives of the Commune, the founding members and members as well as André who gave us the very good surprise of his presence at this assembly.

This GA revealed the work accomplished in a year and confirmed the tremendous momentum of the founding members and of those who came, over the months, to swell their ranks by contributing their skills and expertise.

These are in particular Laura Sabato for the creation of the logo, Anne Suchanecki and Alexandre Vergnaud for the creation and development of the site ( www.deleaupoursumba.org ). We invite you to visit and revisit this site which will be updated regularly.

The year 2022 marking a memorable turning point in André’s activities, the GM was above all an opportunity for him to present his 2022-2023 projects. These are two projects that have in common the sharing of technical know-how. Indeed, after 18 years of investment in the construction of 42 wells, 8 village hydraulic systems and a water purification system by phyto-purification, André wishes to move towards the transmission of his technical knowledge. so that everything that has been achieved so far will endure over time.

  • Kampala Malupu educational project: drinking water supply to the village and its surroundings from an underground phreatic lake (community of 800 people).
  • “Water School “Lokakaria: transmission of knowledge through seminars, tutorials on the internet, technical documentation within everyone’s reach, etc.

To be informed of the details of this magnificent transmission project, subscribe to the Newsletter

March 15, 2022

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